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Episode 16 - The Metaphysics of Money

Three Modern Functions (Plus One)

  1. Medium of Exchange

  2. Unit of Account

  3. Store of Value

  4. Established by Convention/Law

Account of Money

  • Necessity of exchange

  • Commutative Justice

  • Equality in exchange

    • How many shoes is a house?

  • Money enters as a measure of diverse goods

    • measure of human need or desire

    • Measure must contain that which it measures

      • Law - measures human behavior (definition of murder)

      • time - measures motion (clock)

  • Established by Convention

Aristotelian Causes

  1. Final Cause - Faciliate exchange (medium of exchange)

  2. Formal Cause - Measure of value (unit of account)

  3. Material Cause - Something valuable (store of value)

  4. Efficient Cause - Legislator or Community agreeement


  • In order to be money, a thing must be valuable

    • cigarettes are valuable before they become money

    • USD is valuable as a tax coupon

    • Bitcoin is not valuable and is a waste of time and energy

      • acts as money only as a sort of similitude

      • money as measure of human desire, but desire can be irrational

      • see podcast on economic value

  • Good Money - Final Cause

    • needs to be stable

    • needs to be apt to receive the form

    • easily divisible and transferable

    • Bank accounts

      • securities in themselves, but are not USD

  • Anything valuable in principle can be money

  • Money is not a different sort of thing, but a way of using things

  • All exchange is fundamentally barter

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